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How to Read Turkish Coffee?

Basics of Turkish Coffee Readings

  • The area around the handle represents love and relationships.
  • Across from the cup’s handle is the section related to money and wealth.
  • Left of the handle symbolizes the present situation of the person who drank the coffee.
  • The section right of the handle predicts future events.
  • The bottom of the cup advises things related to the home and family.

Bernouli’s Effect!

If the cup and the saucer will not separate immediately because of suction (Bernoulli’s Effect) it is considered that the cup shouldn’t be read. This is called the “Prophet’s Cup” and very auspicious favoring the drinker’s intent.

Worries are Leaving!

If the majority of the coffee sediment drained from the cup onto the saucer, the fortuneteller should comment that “worries are leaving” the person who drank the coffee A perfect little raised mound on the saucer suggests that “money will come soon

Perfect Circle!

In some countries if the cup leaves a perfect circle outlining the rim on the saucer means that the intent will come true while a broken circle suggest otherwise.

Past, Present and Future Readings!

Where the bottom of the cup represents the past, the midsection of the cup shows the present situation while the area around the rim symbolizes the future Five section readings divide the cup into five general section that have representative meaning.